Philadelphia dreamscapers A Sunny Day in Glasgow were hard at work during the entirety of 2013 on their upcoming album.  “In Love with Useless (The Timeless Geometry In The Tradition Of Passing)” is the first track they’re sharing off of the currently untitled release, and boy, does it deliver.

The opening ticks are a straightforward, bombastic swelling that gives way to abrasive, yet trademark production magic.  There is little involvement between the two until they all begin to layer over each other, forming a chimerical anthem for the remaining four minutes and change.  A Sunny Day in Glasgow have always made evocative tracks to wander through, but never with such a straight-for-the-heart approach to the melody.  It’s lofty and unique, but with an appreciation for hopeful longing that will surely win them new fans.

If 2014 marks a beginning of some kind of search for you, let this be the first song on your soundtrack.  This band knows exactly where your heartstrings are.