Our Brother The Megazord vs. Deastro

Let me introduce you to the multiple musical personalities of Randolph J. Chabot, an electronic basement multi-instrumentalist from Detroit who goes by the names Our Brother The Megazord and Deastro. Why the dual band/artist name? Apparently, he’d get bored with just one. Our Brother The Megazord is meant to be heard at a dance party, […]

Andrew Bird

Two weeks ago while in Vancouver, I found myself in the rain in search of Vancouver’s best record store, Zulu Records. I had this image in my head of what the store was like from countless phone calls, making ‘tracking’ calls to retails stores at my day job in ’06. I hated that part of […]


I’ve been recently digging The Lost Take by Dosh. Its the third record from musician Martin Dosh from Minneapolis. Musically, the best I can do to describe it is to say that there’s a little Four-Tet in there, a little Tortoise. If that means nothing to you, think samplers, break beats, loops, quirks and extensive […]