Video: “Stealing Beauty” by Barzin
Directed by Denise Nouvion of Memoryhouse, “Stealing Beauty” follows Barzin as he spends an evening walking around downtown Toronto.
Directed by Denise Nouvion of Memoryhouse, “Stealing Beauty” follows Barzin as he spends an evening walking around downtown Toronto.
From the album “To Live Alone in That Long Summer”.
Take a listen to a new song from Toronto based artist Barzin, “All The While” from the upcoming release of his fourth album, To Live Alone In That Long Summer.
Here’s my pics of what I thought looked interesting. Visit NXNE for more details. Band.Venue.Time Thursday Night Born Ruffians.The Boat.9pm Land Of Talk.The Boat.10pm Code Pie.Holy Joe’s.10pm The Ride Theory.Silver Dollar.9pm Leaders And Dreamers.Holy Joe’s.11pm inUniform.Rancho Relaxo.11pm Barzin.Sneaky Dee’s. 10ish? Inward Eye.Rivoli.12am Fjord Rowboat.Crowbar.1am Friday Night From Fiction.Silver Dollar.9pm Royal Wood.The Art Bar.10pm Kobayashi.Gypsy Co-op.10pm […]