Daft Keyboard and Pet Shop Boys do MGMT’s ‘Kids’

Quick post again here, as I’m up to my eyes in Canadian Music Week and SXSW planning and executing. While on break, I checked a couple trusted sites and found these two little pieces of awesome. First off, a Daft Keyboard. Pretty cool, I had a crazy beat going here in the office with ‘I’, […]


I missed this the first time around. After checking some sites lately, seems as if Pacific! has made a lot of year end lists. So who are they? Have i heard them before? There’s a good chance I’ve never heard Number One. If I had, I would have probably stopped everything I was doing and […]

One Day As A Lion

“It’s better to live One Day As A Lion then a thousand years as a lamb”. Is it? Really? What would you do for that one day?? And can you imagine what you could get done in 1000 years, even as a lamb? The quote is from a black and white photograph by legendary chicano […]