This Day Just Flew By

Probably in the crazy wind we’ve been having here in Toronto. Quick post from me, then something later tonight on The Rest. Then the IMF Podcast. Stayed tuned for that. In the meantime, check out: –CBC Radio 3’s new digs. I’d say an improvement, but I miss the days when it was more like a […]

Ellie Goudling does ‘Wolves (Act I and II)’ by Bon Iver

Quite a departure from the synth-pop that we were expecting to hear from the UK’s Ellie Goudling. She does do justice to Justin Vernon’s emotional standout, from Bon Iver‘s critically-acclaimed For Emma, Long Ago. But where’s the chaos at the end? I guess I just need those drums to really get the idea that the […]

Ellie Goulding

Too many people in Toronto woke up today in a bad mood. The woman complaining about her bus arriving late. The scowls from the waiting line at Time Hortons. The unhappy faces in the cold on Bloor St. People might have been happier if they had started their day listening to Ellie Goulding. I’ve been […]