Update from The Rest

Good news for Hamilton band The Rest. Their album ‘Everyone All At Once’ will be released in the UK next week on the label Something In Construction (Memory Tapes, Air France, Loney Dear). To celebrate and support this, they’re heading to the UK for some tourdates with Sebastien Schuller and Kill It Kid (check their […]

Andrew Bird in Nigel’s Basement

Seriously. This guy is amazing. From the basement of Nigel Godrich comes a performance by Andrew Bird doing a song called Sectionate City. Its a signature grower for Andrew, starting by adding single elements of the song over and over through masterful use of a loop pedal. This song looks to be on his upcoming […]

SXSW ’07, Day 2: Thursday

Possibly my least productive day bandwise. I saw only 8 of them….. And I still can’t remember what I was doing between noon and 2pm. Everything else has come back to me. SXSW has always been about meeting people. I met Sue while on the plane from Denver to Austin last monday. We talked for […]