Holy Fuck score Chrysler ad with ‘Lovely Allen’

I knew this song would eventually find its way into the licensing world. Saw the ad the other night, but couldn’t seem to find the video until I saw Stereogum post it. I guess Chrysler didn’t seem to mind tying together to a Toronto band with an expletive in their name, as you would have […]

New Holy Fuck Video for Lovely Allen

Check it out here. (it takes a little time to start). [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrtQEaeGaZY[/youtube] Notice that its Loel playing this time on the drums. Head to Gorilla vs. Bear to hear some live stuff of LP.

A lingering question

Answered today. I’ve had been trying to figure out what song Holy Fuck closes their shows with. It’s a musical roller coaster with great builds and drops, all formed over top this repeating keyboard line. When they perform this song, people put their hands in the air. Check out Lovely Allen. New LP out in […]