‘An Anniversary Away’ (video) by Reverie Sound Revue

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsuwzvazpJY[/youtube] Feels like it. Its been a while since hearing from Reverie Sound Revue but I’m glad we’re being treated to this dreamy kaleidoscopic video directed by the band’s Marc De Pape. We loved thier stuff from a few years ago, look forward to hearing the new stuff. Boompa puts it out June 23rd, pre-order […]

Reverie Sound Revue

Reverie Sound Revue

Where was I when this band started getting their music out there? This is Calgary’s Reverie Sound Revue. They’re a great alt-pop band; take delicate harmonies and sharp melody hooks, add drum and bass and sugar. After getting the ball rolling between 2003-2005, then band seems to be in a holding pattern right now, telling […]