Check it out here. From the press release:

Black Moth Super Rainbow‘s new music video for “Dark Bubbles,” which allows viewers to control the sun, moon and stars, using a webcam or mouse, while a hooded figure jumps up and down on a trampoline.

LA-based directing team Radical Friend created “Dark Bubbles” over three painstaking months by combining motion-sensitive technology, time-lapse photography, live-action footage, and mystical, trippy animation. The result invites viewers to physically interact with the bizarre, dream-like environment.

Using a webcam, viewers can shift the position of the heavenly bodies by slowly moving their own heads or hands left and right in front of the camera’s lens. Moving the cursor will have the same effect if users choose that option.”

I like the direction music videos are heading these days. Although this video is not as good as The Arcade Fire’s Black Mirror, its cool to see music videos embracing interaction, and in this case the webcam. I do feel that this needs to be more than just a guy jumping on a trampoline.

‘Dark Bubbles’ is from Black Moth Super Rainbow‘s “Eating Us,” out May 26 on Graveface Records. Here’s a reminder in the form of that song we posted, ‘Born On A Day The Sun Didn’t Rise‘.