Happy Monday. Here’s what I’ve been into.

-Gotta love this. If you’re a Jim James/My Morning Jacket fan, you’re going to want to head over to You Ain’t No Picasso. Matt has compiled a post full of 50+ covers the band has performed over the years. Impressive.

-Just started following Alan Cross’s Explore Music blog, which is not only updated frequently, but full of interesting music news, interviews and new music. I’ve always been a big fan of Alan since hearing his The Ongoing History of New Music radio shows over the years on Edge 102.1. Recently, he’s been predicting the next 10 years of music including the death of the album, growing interest in music subscription and the rise of the music curator.

Dirty Projectors have just released a limited edition 7″ of Ascending Melody backed with Emblem Of The World exclusively through Domino Mart. The tracks are also available as free mp3 downloads from the band’s site (in exchange for your e-mail, of course, which seems to be the trend these days).

-You can hear Spoon‘s new album Transference streaming on NPR. It’s out next week.

PMA has another older Justin Vernon track (Song For A Lover of Long Ago) off the Hazeltons EP.

The Morning Benders are also giving away a their new single ‘Promises’ starting today as a free download from their website for a limited time. ‘Promises’ will be the first single off their new album Big Echo, the morning benders follow-up to talking through tin cans, which will be released on March 9th on Rough Trade Records. Solid track, check it out.

-Finally, song of the day for me has to be the Allen Blickle (Baroness) remix of Surfer Blood‘s Swim on Stereogum. Surfer Bloods Kanine debut (Astro Coast) hits stores next week, stream it now at Spinner.