I went to the Phoenix last night to see the Friendly Fires show with The XX opening. It was a blast.

The XX had a solid set, moving the Toronto audience in slight movements from left to right. Running through crowd pleasers ‘Basic Space’ and ‘Crystalised’ well as a three-piece, the combined vocal play of Romy Madley Croft and Oliver Sim also translated well in a live setting. Two things. It seems as if a lot of their songs build, but only to a certain point, as if to hold back. I see potential in adding better endings to songs in the live show, for those who want a little bit more.

Also, the song Infinity. Has anyone tried to remix this into this?

Friendly Fires put on an amazing show. Since being here last in August (at the warmest/sweatiest show of the century), the band has added a small horn section. Filling in those tiny holes and accentuating key melodies and rhythms, the horns really put the icing on the cake for me. Running through the gambit of their hits, which all seem to have been made for the live show, frontman Ed Macfarlane danced his way into one of the best shows of the year.

Here’s the music video ‘On Board’, which I think might be my favorite live. Oldie but a goodie. Didn’t even know this video existed until today.