Here’s another phenomenal track from The Go! Team from their highly anticipated forthcoming album. Featuring “thunderous drums, duelling sitars and jangling guitars with a blast furnace melody”, check out “Blowtorch”. Band leader Ian Parton says: “I wrote the song just on an acoustic but when it came to the recording I had the idea of building it from chords from loads of different sources, so say the G chord was a second sample from one song, the D chord from totally different kind of song and it went on – the process of layering all these turned it into a wall of sound. Combined with vocals from Sudden Ensemble and Vinyl Tiger’s singer Doreen Kirchner it became this kinda bratty, super melodic thing.”
Listen: “Blowtorch” by The Go! Team
Featuring “thunderous drums, duelling sitars and jangling guitars with a blast furnace melody”, check out “Blowtorch”.