M83 has been one of my favourite artists for years, so even when he throws you a curveball like zany “Do It, Try It”, I totally commit for the ride. In an unexpected fashion, Anthony Gonzalez has announced the release of his latest album Junk, out next week and arriving five years after quite possibly my favourite album of the last 10 years, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming.  Gonzalez says he’s returned to the influences of his early career (Tangerine Dream, Kevin Shields, Aphex Twin and Brian Wilson), yet has tried to expand his sound again.

For fans of psychedelic-disco (like Miike Snow, Daft Punk), take a listen to “Do It, Try It”. Don’t hit skip until the song gets going though…please.

Tracklist below, note the Beck collaboration.

Junk is out 4/8 on Mute. Pre-order it here.


1. “Do It, Try It”
2. “Go!” feat. Mai Lan
3. “Walkway Blues” feat. Jordan Lawlor
4. “Bibi the Dog” feat. Mai Lan
5. “Moon Crystal”
6. “For the Kids” feat. Susanne Sundfør
7. “Solitude”
8. “The Wizard”
9. “Laser Gun” feat. Mai Lan
10. “Road Blaster”
11. “Tension”
12. “Atlantique Sud” feat. Mai Lan
13. “Time Wind” feat. Beck
14. “Ludivine”
15. “Sunday Night 1987″