Picking up the pieces here in the office, as I’ve come back from a whirlwind trip to Chicago with way more to do this monday than I expected.  I guess I really did turn off this weekend, partially because I didn’t pick up US data for my quick trip, but mainly because I wanted to take in everything I could from my three-day excursion without being distracted.  I travelled to the windy city with my father and two brothers, for a boys weekend before my older brother’s wedding in two weeks.  I’ve always heard that Toronto people tend to really enjoy Chicago, as the cities really do have a similar feel.  I felt it to in the interesting neighbourhoods we walked through and in the wonderful people we met along the way.

We caught a Cubs game at Wrigley, we did the architecture tour, we ate deep dish pizza, walked, shopped and drank a lot.  We connected with some great friends too.  All in all, a great time.

Helping me back to reality is a new song from London, Ontario’s Johnny Saga (aka WOLF SAGA) called “You Are Here Now”.   Saga says this track is “A song about chasing the dream, but knowing that you can sometimes get distracted and let down.  But ultimately, you have just one life, and it’s important to try”.

Head to his soundcloud page with instructions of how to download the stems and submit your remix.