icona pop

Just about to publish my picks for Canadian Music Week and SXSW, but before I do, here’s a couple things to tie you over.  First off, check out the Grooveshark logo just to your left.  It’ll open an ongoing playlist that I intend to update daily.  Might be a good replacement for the old playlist I have going, which is a bit of a pain in the a$$ to update.  Elsewhere,

Icona Pop is popping up everywhere.  Coolest shit out of Sweden?  Maybe.  check out “Manners”.

Checking out a few more tunes from Blake Mills, songs released on the newly formed vinyl label Analog Edition (started by Matt Carr from the blog Everybody Taste).    Check out “Winter Song” and “Hey Lover”, the 7″ from Blake Mills.

New Starfucker song on RCRD LBL called “Death As A Fetish”.  Rad tune.

Go grab the new free EP from Young Galaxy, this one’s a collection of remixes of We Have Everything.

What Pi sounds like.  Starts off meh, end sounds great. Math is fun.

Lady Lamb The Beekeeper on Consquence Of Sound.  Wow.

Here’s the Track Of The Week post I did for Aux.tv today on Little Scream.  Go download “Cannons”.

Mother Mother’s new album “Eureka” is streaming at Exclaim!.

-Totally hooked on “Heartattack” by Lovett, for fans of The Heavy.  Thanks Tympanogram.

Pretty Much Amazing has a track called “Take Off Your Shirt” by Bibio.  Reminds me a little of LCD Soundsystem and Jamaica.