Its been a week since we announced the SIRIUS Radio Face The Music Contest, where contestants can use their serious music trivia knowledge for a chance to win an intimate concert in their city. Which ever city ends up with the highest score will host one of these “big-band-in-a-small-venue” shows and by checking the leaderboard, Hilton Beach, Ontario has amassed a near 1000 point lead over Sault Ste. Marie with 281,507. Ancaster, Pertrolia and Corruna round out the top 5 in the standings, all over 250,000 points. Take a look.
Not only am I learning a little bit about Ontario geography, I’m watching my own city (Toronto) drop, currently about 7000 points behind first place (dropping from 30th to 35th place as I wrote this post). From a couple times through the game myself, I never was able to crack the 25,000 mark, which is directly related to my non-knowledge of anything 80s. Perhaps thats a city-wide issue?
If you haven’t tried the game yet, go there now and represent your hometown!