Best Songs Of The Year – Disc 1

I made a two disc mix CD to give out over the holidays. It was a little tough, as I originally had 60 or so songs in contention before I started whittling. But I got down to 34. I’m actually surprised at the low amount of Canadian content….. but these were the songs that stayed […]

Bounce these around in your head

Try You’re So Pretty by Field Music. There is newer music by this band, but I went digging. Great juxtaposition of deep sliding bass lines underneath dueling poppy vocals. or try Bowie by Kay Kay and his Weathered Underground. A song that is all over the place, kind of like the band’s name. or try […]

Field Music

While browsing Youtube, I actually came across something that looked good, sounded good, and wasn’t some kids from Thailand lip syncing N’Sync songs. Check out the video for ‘In Context‘ by UK’s Field Music. Just when all the drawing seems to get boring, it all ties in at the end. Is it a trick? Field […]