The Jealous Girlfriends

I think I know why I was drawn to this band when I first heard them. I pay attention to what kind of music is making on to our tv sets these days. Not only to discover new bands, but it helps me do my day job better. Kind of like market research. The Jealous […]

CMW’08: competitive night

Again, if I wasn’t sick as a dog, I’d be at one of these shows. Cameron House with Rich Aucoin, The Superfantastics. El Mocambo for Besnard Lakes. Hideout for Still Life Still. Horseshoe for The Acorn, Sunparlour Players and maybe Plants and Animals. Lee’s Palace for Rebekah Higgs and The 6ixty8ights. Rivoli for Julie Doiron, […]

NXNE 2007 Picks: Friday, June 8th

If you are looking to head to one bar tonight, here’s your best bets. DOTE Management showcase. Junior Boys, Born Ruffians, We’re Marching On, Young Rival, Koushik. Mod Club (50 badges/wristbands). Voxtrot with Favorite Sons, Au Revoir Simone (all ages at 6pm), late show at 9:30pm (50 badges wristbands). But if you are like me […]

Canadian Music Week 2007: Part 4

That’s Ian McGettigan from Camouflage Nights. They’d played a ‘unofficial’ showcase yesterday in a second floor loft near Much Music. I think they would have sounded better in a bar setting, but the show was very entertaining. Lots of hand claps and tambourines. Amazing set last night by Rock Plaza Central. If I had my […]