Contest: Bearsuit Turns Two

I’ve always been pretty strict at keeping Indie Music Filter separate from my day job running Bearsuit Publishing. I never wanted to be in a position where it looked like I was writing favorable reviews of artists that I represented, essentially creating my own artificial hype. But over time I’ve noticed the relationship between music […]

The Coast release Expatriate – CONTEST

The Coast are set to release Expatriate on Friday night (details below) in Toronto. We haven’t done a contest here in a while, so we figured, why not? Here’s the contest. Send me an e-mail answering this question. Who was the producer on the Coast‘s record Expatriate? (Hint: try their myspace page). We’ll draw two […]

The Coast – Expatriate

*disclaimer: Just as a side note, I (Burtch) am unbiased when it comes to the Coast. I’ve known the band through Chris (who works for them) for a while, but I’m not a lackey, paid or otherwise. Now on to my posting: The Coast have been floating around the Toronto Indie Rock scene for a […]