I’ve always been pretty strict at keeping Indie Music Filter separate from my day job running Bearsuit Publishing. I never wanted to be in a position where it looked like I was writing favorable reviews of artists that I represented, essentially creating my own artificial hype. But over time I’ve noticed the relationship between music blogs and music licensing/publishing. I’ve found artists that I work with now through music blogs. Music Supervisors read my blog when looking for new music. I have had music supervisors writing a column on my site (“Sync Master”) talking about new music and its potential in the tv/film world.

So there’s quite an overlap.

With that in mind, I thought it might be a good idea to use my blog to get the word out about a solid show happening in Toronto (regardless if I work with these bands or not). And to run a contest.

To enter: respond in the comments with the word Bearsuit to win 2 tickets to attend the show above. I’ll take submissions until friday at midnight (EST) and draw one winner from the entrants.