Didn’t think I’d be in the office here on Family Day. Shouldn’t I be doing something with my brothers and parents? Well, this week is going to be quite busy, so I thought I’d get a good jump start.
Got an e-mail today from Rhydian, bass player of The Joy Formidable. Really enjoyed what I heard on their myspace page, so I naturally wanted to get the word out. A three piece currently living in London (2 originally from Wales, 1 from Devon(shire?)). They’ve been together for only 8 months or so, but you’d think way longer by how good these songs sound. From the three on the site, catchy background falsetto vocals and fuzz seem to be the common hook. Hear that YYY‘s and Breeders influence so far.
Here’s Cradle, love this track. Check out Austere live on Channel M.