I think it might have been Matthew at I Heart Music that tipped me off to The Rural Alberta Advantage (The RAA). I grabbed a song from his site and let it stew on the iPod over the weekend.

A couple listens to The Dethbridge In Lethbridge and I wanted to know more.
Comprised of Alberta ex-pats Paul Banwatt, Amy Cole and Nils Edenloff (living in Toronto), The RAA are not some music industry association sueing teens, but a band who aim to write homesick love songs. They list Neutral Milk Hotel, Hayden, M Ward as some of their influences. Good sign. The band met while hosting an open stage at The Winchester in Cabbagetown (Toronto).

Take a listen to Sleep Away. Considerably different from the former track I posted. Really sincere lyrics backed by shakers, tambourine, drums, guitar and organ.

Keep an eye out for this band, they have some shows in Toronto and Montreal coming up. Check their myspace page for details.

The Rural Alberta Advantage