This post has nothing to do with music

Its a little known fact that when I’m not writing here on the Filter, or working here, I’ve probably got something balancing on my chin. I used to work at a resort in Muskoka (2 hours north of Toronto) and for two years, I was the Jr. Sports Director, responsible for the 10-14 year old kids during the day.

I learned many things in those two summers. Along with the ability to snort a spagetti noodle up my noose, I started balancing objects on my chin (I believe the first object was a tennis racquet). This was purely to keep these rambunctious kids from running into traffic. And it worked.

Balancing objects on your chin is actually quite easy once you get used to it. Its really about finding the center of gravity in the object you’re balancing, while staying directly under it by making tiny adjustments in the positioning of my body. The longer the object, the easier. The heavier, the more dangerous it looks!

Beer keg (empty) from my brother’s bachelor party. I was wearing the headband because that day we competed as ‘Stever’s Fever’ at the Canadian Outdoor Beach Dodgeball Championships. Quite random, eh?

Umbrella. Ella. ella. eh. eh.

Lawn chair (with crowd).

Bike. Gotta make sure you find a bike with a soft seat. This one was not.

This one was a lot better.

Chair. Slightly tipsy I believe.

Another chair another way. with attitude.

I balance a guitar better than I play one.

Surfboard. I won this baby this year for drinking some fosters pints.

Snowboard. Hopefully not the most action this board will get this winter.