Akron is a city in Ohio, and happens to be where Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1935. It is also home to the Soap Box Derby World Championships, and happens to be the center of American Rubber Industry, being the founding location of B.F. Goodrich, Goodyear, and Firestone.

Family is a thing most people are a part of. Typically Family denotes a group of people affiliated by blood, affinity, and co-residence. The primary function of the family is to reproduce society, either biologically, socially, or both.

Akron/Family is an improvisational indie rock group from Brooklyn, NY. Their folksy harmonies are blended seamlessly with post-rock leanings to form a swaggering tempest of psychedelic folk-rock that displays influences ranging from African tribal choruses and drums to American Church music and Jazz.

The band will be playing SXSW in Austin, TX, at the SESAC Day Stage Cafe on March 12th, and Emo’s Jr on March 14th.

I suggest giving their track Phenomena a listen by viewing the video below or checking it out on their MySpace page here.
