It’s amazing what kind of video can come together from leaving the video camera on while hanging out. FMLYBND left the camera’s rolling while in their Isla Vista studio, and after an hour of messing around, produced a decent looking video for their single “Space & Time”.  You might remember this track from when it reached #2 on the Hype Machine’s chart, if not, it’ll work its way into your head today and probably stay there for a while.

FMLYBND is a band who live together, play together, surf/skate together, and make music together.  The genre-bending group behind 2014’s hit “Come Alive,” continue to deliver on their promise of re-shaping electronic music with their new EP “Hearts on Fire.”  The EP features five new tracks that span a range of musical influences and moods, and with “Space & Time”, also features the sensual and wistful “Gold Necklace” to the uplifting, slightly psychedelic title track “Hearts on Fire.”

Take a look.

More about the band here.