I love Mondays! Said no one ever. Here’s to the beginning of a new series that’ll be there for you on that day when you miss your train to work; when your hard drive crashes and you haven’t backed up your files since May; when you realize you still have four days until the weekend; simply put, when you just need someone to say “I feel you.” Wherever you are in your day, take a few minutes to click play, sit back, close your eyes, and mellow out.
And who better to start us off than the soulful Roo Panes? His warm vocals and gentle acoustic waves take you to a far away place where time loses all relevance. The first time I heard “The Original”, I thought it could’ve been on the soundtrack of the Descendants, a touching film that takes place in Hawaii. This track is part of Roo Panes’ forthcoming album, Paperweights (Expected release date: February 12th.