NXNE 2007 Picks: Thursday, June 7th

I spent quite a few hours with the NXNE schedule robot over the last couple of days, here’s what it spat out for Thursday…. 9pm: Horton The Irrelevant & August The Creep, Harlem (67 Richmond). Check out What I Know here. Rebecca Higgs, Sneaky Dee’s. Download Parables on her myspace page. 10pm: Five Blank Pages, […]

Canadian Music Week 2007: Part 4

That’s Ian McGettigan from Camouflage Nights. They’d played a ‘unofficial’ showcase yesterday in a second floor loft near Much Music. I think they would have sounded better in a bar setting, but the show was very entertaining. Lots of hand claps and tambourines. Amazing set last night by Rock Plaza Central. If I had my […]