Chris’s Top 10 Albums of 2006

It was really hard putting these in order…. They are just going to be in alphabetical order. As well, I’m sure there were many great records put out this year that I never got a chance to hear. These ones below are the ones that inspired me the most. (Not going to put in a […]

Best Songs Of The Year – Disc 1

I made a two disc mix CD to give out over the holidays. It was a little tough, as I originally had 60 or so songs in contention before I started whittling. But I got down to 34. I’m actually surprised at the low amount of Canadian content….. but these were the songs that stayed […]

did that sound evil to you??

I figured out where Eagle*Seagull got the name for their band. and all I had to do was ask Eli Mardock, the band’s lead singer. The opening track “Lock and Key“, off their self-titled record, builds slowly into this crazy, chaotic guitar effect outro. The band, while discussing the studio session over beers, said the […]