Harlem Shakes could be my band of the moment. And I think they got me on the 5th try. I kept seeing the name on blogs, I got the press releases, and I heard their songs up on their myspace. But instead of grabbing me, I mentally put them in the ‘check again’ folder in my head. I’m glad my brain has the function.

I’m now hearing songs off the bands upcoming release (Technicolor Health, out March 24th on Gigantic) and loving the sound they’ve got there. A rhythic and colourful driving AM pop sound, recorded by Chris Zane (Les Savy Fav, The Walkmen, Passion Pit, White Rabbits). The album is about surviving abject shittiness. Everyone in the band sings. The Voice called them on of New York’s best bands at the moment. And it seems to be music thats only getting good reviews. I’m glad others agree. I urge you to dig deeper and fill in these blanks, I’m only just scratching the surface here.

Catch the band on the road, currently touring with Tokyo Police Club (myspace).
