– Pissing in bottles whilst in a van is never a good idea.
– Bring hand sanitizer
– Paracetamol/painkillers are just as important as clean pants.
– Its not cool to shout “Das Farty Party” around germany, nor any other country for that matter.
– A strong playlist and a pair of headphones can get you through any van drive.
– Border police do NOT have a sense of humour, they do NOT appreciate drug mule jokes.
– An Alan Partridge audio tape is the perfect breakaway from listening to music.
– If you’re lucky enough to have a plug socket/power in the van, make sure to bring a ‘four-way’ to avoid fall-outs and black eyes over who gets the one plug.
– American customs love The Beach Boys
– Flatulent guys should always sit in the back seat
– Don’t speak to the lad who’s just woken up for quite a while
– Theres always going to be a ‘Tour song’, don’t burn it out too fast.
– Always be early, never on time.
– Van games are essential, the more creative the better.
– Coffee is a drug, be careful.
– Video Games (Fifa) are a drug, be careful.
– “It’s medicinal” is not an excuse
– Cyclists in amsterdam will not stop for you


This post was written by Dan Croll as part of his Takeover of Indie Music Filter. Find Dan Croll online or on twitter.

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