Keep Talking
new song from Hungry Kids Of Hungary
new song from Hungry Kids Of Hungary
Some good links in here
Two nights down for Canadian Music week, and two more to go for me. Tonight will probably be a night at Lee’s with hopefully a final destination of Supermarket for Phantogram. But, I’ll have to see where the night takes me.
I’ve got songs playing right now from Ireland’s The Ambience Affair and I’m again grateful for the things one can find in your inbox.
Again, if I wasn’t sick as a dog, I’d be at one of these shows. Cameron House with Rich Aucoin, The Superfantastics. El Mocambo for Besnard Lakes. Hideout for Still Life Still. Horseshoe for The Acorn, Sunparlour Players and maybe Plants and Animals. Lee’s Palace for Rebekah Higgs and The 6ixty8ights. Rivoli for Julie Doiron, […]